Monday, November 16, 2009

Hardie Gramatky

There are several children's illustrated books that have left a huge impression on me and one in particular, Little Toot, written and illustrated by Hardie Gramatky.

Gramatky was a watercolor artist who had attended Chouinard Art Institute in 1928.  He later worked for Disney Studios as a senior animator. 


  1. What a joy to read this nice mention of my dad, Steve! And I see that you're a 3D animator, but who did the beautiful watercolor of the kitty at the top? Is he/she the "anxious one"?

    My husband, Ken, and I just visited the Disney archives at the end of October and the chief archivist, Dave Smith, gave us copies of a few wonderful handwritten letters from Dad to Walt (Disney). Back in the 40s, no one would write a handwritten letter and then make a copy of it, so it was so exciting to be able to have these copies with some of Dad's unusual comments.

    In the Small World Dept., we visited my cousin who lives in Aliso Viejo, which is right near where you live, Lake Forest.

    AND we visited the new Walt Disney Family Museum up in San Francisoc. It is totally fantastic, more terrific than you could imagine. You would love it.

    If you'd like to see more of Dad's artwork, we have a website ( and where I tell many stories about my dad. Thanks for loving what he did with Little Toot!

    Best, Linda (Gramatky Smith), Westport, CT

  2. Thank you so much, Linda! I would have loved to have met your father! :) The kitty on the page was done using a digital tablet and pen. Although it's not quite exactly like water color painting, I'm really happy with the results so far.

    I'll definitely take a look at more of your father's work. What an amazing water colorist he was! Peace.

  3. I will look, if they have been published in Spanish, if not I will buy the original
