Saturday, August 14, 2010


Over the past several months, I have wrestled with the idea of changing careers, mostly out of desperation to provide more economic stability with my family, but also because the volatility of the industry has worn me down.  My first idea was to get my teaching certificate and teach (Math...and possibly Art).  However, it seems that that profession also comes with a great deal of uncertainty.  So I've decided to take a shot at getting into the medical field.  That decision doesn't come without its own uncertainties, such as whether I can even succeed, or whether I have the stomach/nerves to handle the stress and challenges that come with a medical profession.  I'm also wondering if I will truly be able to continue being an artist in my spare time.  But when I think of my family and the kind of future I want to provide for them, this seems to be the best option.

I haven't been handling stress very well lately and exercise, which has been my saving grace for so long in dealing with stress, has been more difficult to come by under my current personal circumstances.

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